Sunday, June 6, 2010

National sport: Spitting

Here, when somebody spits, it prompts a chain reaction. This can even influence ten people.
Here,when spitting, consider:
1. Aim/placement of spit
2. How much you wish to expel from your mouth
3. At what time you deem this appropriate
4. How loud, long and drawn out you can make the action.

This morning I bear witness to this on my way to work:

Man sitting on side of street decides he needs to spit. Man turns his head to one side in order to do so. Unassuming lady walks by at precisely this moment. Lady wears light grey pants. Lady's pant leg is now wearing the man's saliva.

Did you know that they employ people here to hold signs here reminding the population to be civilised? To not spit in public, to let others off the train first before you get on. To stick to one side of elevators, to be polite and be mindful of others personal space.

This is ofcourse, to 'make face', and look good in front of all the hundreds of thousands of visotors in Shanghai for this years World Expo. (which I have still yet to attend) What countries' pavillions do I see?... Which leads me to my next question which has been occupying my thoughts since I landed here -

Where to from Shanghai???

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